twilight pilgrimage – /
swirling with a cloud of moths /
drawn to a warm light //
This post was written for Bastet’s Pixelventures and for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.
Georgia at Pixelventures asked us to share a photo with which we’re particularly pleased. Well, I like this photo. It’s not fancy. It’s not professional-quality. But I love the simplicity and the contrast.
At Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, Kristjaan (and Managua Gunn) spoke of the potential for every walk to become a pilgrimage. Well, a cold, snowy walk created this photo. I stood under this light (looking slightly batty, no doubt) taking photo after photo – until the evening light turned into this amazing blue and the smattering of snowflakes looked like evening moths.
After the next snowstorm, I took more photos of the same lamp. Here are the results – all due to shifting snow, shifting camera flashes, the addition of sleet, and a setting sun.
Tagged: Bastet's Pixelventures, Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, evening, haiku, moths, poetry, snow, street light, summer, WeDrinkInspiration, winter