night and full silence –
stars are coming and going
in the sycamores
night holds its breath –
strings of pearls
in the sycamores
Linked to Carpe Diem Special #116: Tomas Tranströmer’s “And the Frigid Sea”. You can read all the haiku in the linkup here. I will share it with Haiku Horizons, too, where the prompt is “full”. (Bit of a stretch; sorry.)
Our task was to write a haiku in the same sense, tone, and spirit as this one:
Oak trees and the moon.
Light and mute constellations.
And the frigid sea
© Tomas Tranströmer
The second haiku was my original attempt at the prompt. The first haiku was an attempt to give the haiku the same tone as Tranströmer’s poem. I’m not sure which one I like better, so I’m sharing them both.
Tagged: Autumn, Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, full, full silence, haiku, haiku horizons, night, pearls, photo editing, plane trees, stars, sycamores, Tomas Tranströmer, winter